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An open letter to Bradford Alumni Class Reunion Chairpersons

Congratulations!  You and your committee have taken on the project of planning your class reunion.  Some of you may have done this many times and need little advice or help from us.  For those who are taking on this project for the first time, we are here for you.  Once your Reunion information is firm, please download and complete the Class Reunion Worksheet, then mail it to our Reunions Coordinator (listed below), so we may post your Reunion Event on our website and get back to you with word on who has been assigned as the Alumni Board Liaison for your event.  If anyone on your committee would be interested in becoming an Alumni Association board member, we would welcome you.  If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact:

Cheryl Pileski Hannah
KBHSAA Reunions Coordinator
Phone:  262-694-0244

Mailing address:
KBHSAA, Inc. - ATTN:  Reunions  •  PO Box 56  •  Kenosha, WI 53141

Financial assistance is available.  KBHSAA will provide financial assistance for all reunions, limited to once every 5 years, provided you meet the requirements shown below for the option you choose.  We also ask that you give us a copy of your reunion book or a list of classmates you have found.  Oftentimes we are contacted by people trying to contact a former classmate, and this helps us.  For both of the Options listed below, you must send the original receipt (keep a photocopy for your records) to the address above, along with a note requesting reimbursement, which includes your name, phone number and mailing address.

Option 1One-half of the postage for the first mailing, to a maximum of $125, after you send the original receipt for stamps purchased and a copy of all the materials you mailed to your classmates.  We require that you include one of the following in the packets sent out to your classmates:  An Invitation to Join the Alumni or a Bradford Alumni T-Shirt Order Form (both forms are available as a half-sheet form)

Option 2One-half the cost of registering or maintaining the domain name for your class year's website and a secure certificate for that website, hosted by www.classcreator.com, to a maximum of $125, after you send the original receipt(s) for the purchase(s).  For ease of use and extensive features, we recommend the following host server:  https://www.classcreator.com/index.cfm/?M=M1159803, which includes our Alumni Promo Code M1159803 (the Alumni Association receives credit for the initial referral for any new site).  We require that you include a link to the Alumni Association’s website Home Page and would also like to suggest you advertise our Alumni T-Shirts using this link 

The Alumni Association publishes a biannual Newsletter.  We will be happy to include information on your upcoming reunion in the spring edition.  If you would like to send an article and a few pictures after your reunion, we will make every effort to include them in the fall edition.  The deadlines for article submission are March 15 (spring edition) and September 15 (fall edition).

Following are some ideas and general information:

To locate classmates, you might try one of the following resources:

  • Use www.whitepages.com, or www.yp.com/whitepages to search for their contact information;
  • Search for them on Facebook;
  • Search for them using Google, but please be aware that some of the websites that pop up in the search results may not be secure; or
  • You may use computers at your local public library and ask for help at the Information Desk.

Contact the KBHSAA Reunions Coordinator (listed above) if you would like a list of your classmates who are paid members of the Alumni Association or if you are interested in using the KBHSAA tax exampt number for purchasing reunion supplies.

Once you return the Class Reunion Worksheet to our Reunions Coordinator (address above), we will assist you with getting your Reunion information published in the Kenosha News.  The Reunions Coordinator will provide you with the name & contact information for the Alumni Board member assigned to serve as Liaison to your Reunion Committee.

After putting aside some money to start up your next reunion, please consider a donation to the Bradford Alumni Scholarship Fund.  We select deserving seniors for scholarships, and your class will be noted as a donor.

Good Luck and Happy Reunion!