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KBHSAA Announces 2025 Scholarship Recipients


?? Scholarships – a total of ?? – to be presented to Bradford Seniors!

We are pleased to announce the names of the seniors selected to receive a 2024 KBHSAA Scholarship.  At the Senior Honors Convocation on Friday, May 24, each of them will receive an official Certificate of Scholarship, confirming the scholarship details and the criteria to be met.  For all scholarships awarded, payment will be made to the recipient after the 1st semester of college has been completed and the specific documentation requirements have been met.  Scholarship recipients are to submit their 1st semester transcript, along with their mailing address, via email or USPS to:  

     Joyce Sorensen (sorniejoyce@yahoo.com)
     5634 46th Avenue
     Kenosha, WI 53144

All scholarships are non-renewable (i.e., a one-time award), and payment to the recipient will generally occur on or about January 1, 2026.

We hope the 2025 scholarship recipients will attend the DAA Banquet & Silent Auction on on Saturday, June 28, 2025 as our invited guests.

Congratulations 2025 KBHSAA Scholarship Recipients!

$1500 KBHSAA, Inc. (- name?) Scholarship

$1500 KBHSAA, Inc. - Judge James Carlson, OFS (1962) Memorial Scholarship

$1500 KBHSAA, Inc. Scholarship 

$1500 KBHSAA, Inc. - Joseph Brittelli (1948) Memorial Scholarship
To a student preferably pursuing a degree in Education, Engineering, Medical and/or Political Science.


$1500 John M. Cibrario (1958) Memorial Scholarship
To a student pursuing an undergraduate degree in Mathematics.


$1973 Class of 1973 Scholarship
Recipient must attend a Wisconsin in-state, non-profit college/university or technical college


$1500 John Wavro (1957) and Judy Schuetz (1960) Wavro Academic Scholarship

$1500 John Wavro (1957) and Judy Schuetz (1960) Wavro Athletic Scholarship

$1000 The Valiere Anderson Petersen (1930) Award for Excellence in Music
To an outstanding student in music, preferably Piano.


$1000 Peter (1959) and Alice Jackson (1960) Schwalbe Family Scholarship
To a student preferably attending a University of Wisconsin school, pursuing an undergraduate degree in

Engineering or a Medical field.

$3000 each Bill Serpe (1957) and Barbara Serpe Scholarships - 2 awarded
Recipients must attend a University of Wisconsin school, seeking an undergraduate degree in one of the following
Business Fields: Accounting; Actuarial Science; Finance, Investing and Banking; Information Systems; International
Business; Management and Human Resources; Marketing; Operations and Technology Management; Real Estate;
or Risk Management and Insurance.
Must have a college GPA of 2.5 or greater on a 4.0 scale.
Name and Name

$1000 Dr. Stephen G. Schmelling (1958) Academic Scholarship
To a student pursuing an undergraduate degree in Science or Engineering.


$2500 Chester "Chet" Woroch (1936) and Dorothy Scholler Woroch (1942) Memorial Scholarship
Recipient must attend a University of Wisconsin system school, preferably pursuing a degree in Engineering.

$2500 Wayne W. Loney (1959) Scholarship
Criteria TBA

$1973 Wilhelm Winzer Building & Construction Trades Scholarship